Platform support:
- OS X 10.10+
- Windows 7+ (64-bit only)
Note: Compass v1.1 will migrate user preferences on the first run from the format used for Compass v1.0.
Once you run Compass v1.1, you can't go back to v1.0.1 without resetting your preferences to factory settings. This includes your saved connections and connection history.
To reset Compass user preferences, remove this folder:
- OS X:
~/Library/Application Support/mongodb-compass
- Windows 10:
New Feature
- [INT-855] - Add "Inspect Element" context menu
- [INT-1108] - Enhance feature tour to show only new features since last version
- [INT-1134] - Document sampling/analysis timeout UI
- [INT-402] - Loading GIF for windows installer
- [INT-505] - Add static background image while window is loading content
- [INT-661] - Handle sample stream errors gracefully
- [INT-815] - Center the "Connecting to MongoDB..." message on the screen
- [INT-997] - Initial tuning of user metrics
- [INT-1087] - Design: Incoming intercom messages need styling
- [INT-1091] - Implement migrations for user preferences
- [INT-1095] - batch queries with $in for Reservoir Sampling
- [INT-1185] - Replace scope-client/server with data-service
- [INT-1225] - Windows installer improvements: package app as asar
- [INT-1286] - Windows shows Atom icon for Compass in control panel
- [INT-1290] - instance reload button de-selects active collection in sidebar
- [INT-590] - Scout appears to hang with large documents
- [INT-796] - scout-server crashes when providing invalid SSL certificates
- [INT-847] - Intercom user registration details wrong?
- [INT-873] - Errors when parsing large documents
- [INT-903] - Using Kerberos on Windows: "Internal Server Error"
- [INT-1031] - Fix intercom last seen/signed up stats
- [INT-1070] - Error: "The mongodb_password field is required when using MONGODB for authentication."
- [INT-1078] - Failure to connect to replicaset/mongos when hostname or port differs from value known within the cluster
- [INT-1103] - ensure existing saved connections work with new connect sidebar
- [INT-1105] - Unable to connect to secondary members of replicaset
- [INT-1196] - Analysis never terminates
- [INT-1220] - Windows builds failing due to Cygwin path
- [INT-1242] - perf.big collection aborts early even after choosing "sample for 1 minute"
- [INT-1243] - minicharts: decision when to render unique vs. bar chart is not correct with 1000 docs
- [INT-1244] - keytar missing on windows?
- [INT-1285] - Whitescreen on Windows when running from installer
- [INT-1294] - Does not support Period in collection name
- [INT-250] - Integrate 10gen/notary-service into Scout package signing process
- [INT-569] - `npm run release` writes a config.json that's bundled in to the build
- [INT-651] - Rewrite build scripts to eliminate intermediate install in ./build
- [INT-881] - Create build artifacts with version numbers
- [INT-998] - Remove desktop notifications
- [INT-1081] - Create parseable version of installed packages on evergreen build
- [INT-1104] - Bump Compass Electron to v0.36
- [INT-1131] - Update evergreen to use node.js 5.x
- [INT-1140] - Get the evergreen build green for latest electron and node.js
- [INT-1186] - Implement sampling/analysis timeout UI
- [INT-1188] - Remove Browserify from Compass build
- [INT-1192] - evergreen ubuntu missing required packages
- [INT-1194] - Pin ampersand-state@4.8.2 for Compass 1.1 release
- [INT-1209] - Pin electron-installer-squirrel-windows@1.2.2 for Compass 1.1 release
- [INT-1223] - Fix migrations tests in master after kill-browserify
- [INT-1229] - Kerberos on evergreen windows silently fails to compile
- [INT-1280] - Windows builds are unsigned
- [INT-1303] - Shrinkwrap release-1.1 branch