github moleculerjs/moleculer v0.10.0

latest releases: v0.14.33, v0.14.32, v0.14.31...
6 years ago

Breaking changes

No more nodeID == null in local stuff

In all core modules removed the nullable nodeID. Every places (context, events, $node.* results) the nodeID contains a valid (local or remote) nodeID. On local nodes it equals with broker.nodeID.

Migration guide


if (ctx.nodeID == null) { ... }
// ---------
events: {
    "users.created"(payload, sender) {
        if (sender == null) { ... }


if (ctx.nodeID == { ... }
// ---------
events: {
    "users.created"(payload, sender) {
        if (sender == { ... }

internalActions is renamed to internalServices

The internalActions broker option is renamed to internalServices.

Removed broker.createNewContext method

The createNewContext broker method is moved to Contextclass as a static method.

Migration guide:


let ctx = broker.createNewContext(action, nodeID, params, opts);


let ctx = Context.create(broker, action, nodeID, params, opts);
// or better
let ctx = broker.ContextFactory.create(broker, action, nodeID, params, opts);

Removed LOCAL_NODE_ID constant

The recently added LOCAL_NODE_ID constant is removed. If you want to check the nodeID is local, please use the if (nodeID == broker.nodeID) syntax.

Class based pluggable Service registry strategies #75

By @WoLfulus, the service registry balancer strategy is now pluggable.

New syntax:

let Strategies = require("moleculer").Strategies;

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {        
        strategy: new Strategies.RoundRobin()

Custom strategy

You can create you custom strategy.

let BaseStrategy = require("moleculer").Strategies.Base;

class CustomStrategy extends BaseStrategy {
    select(list) {
        return list[0];

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    registry: {        
        strategy: new CustomStrategy()

Metrics event payloads are changed

The metrics payload contains remoteCall and callerNodeID properties. The remoteCall is true if the request is called from a remote node. In this case the callerNodeID contains the caller nodeID.


    "action": {
        "name": "users.get"
    "id": "123123123",
    "level": 1,
    "parent": 123,
    "remoteCall": true,
    "requestID": "abcdef",
    "startTime": 123456789,
    "nodeID": "node-1",
    "callerNodeID": "node-2"


    "action": {
        "name": "users.get"
    "duration": 45,
    "id": "123123123",
    "parent": 123,
    "requestID": "abcdef",
    "startTime": 123456789,
    "endTime": 123456795,
    "fromCache": false,
    "level": 1,
    "remoteCall": true,
    "nodeID": "node-1",
    "callerNodeID": "node-2"


Hot reload services #82

The ServiceBroker supports hot reloading services. If you enable it broker will watch file changes. If you modify service file, broker will reload it on-the-fly.
Demo video

Note: Hot reloading is only working with Moleculer Runner or if you load your services with broker.loadService or broker.loadServices.


let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    logger: console,
    hotReload: true


Usage with Moleculer Runner

Turn it on with --hot or -H flags.

$ moleculer-runner --hot ./services/test.service.js

Protocol documentation

Moleculer protocol documentation is available in docs/ file.

AMQP transporter #72

By @Nathan-Schwartz, AMQP (for RabbitMQ) transporter added to Moleculer project.

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: "amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq-server:5672"

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
    transporter: new AmqpTransporter({
        amqp: {
            url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672",
            eventTimeToLive: 5000,
            prefetch: 1 

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