github mokhosh/filament-kanban v2.0.1
Version 2.x 🎉

latest releases: v2.9.0, v2.8.0, v2.7.0...
12 months ago

Big update with breaking changes

  • I've added tests. It was a challenge as there is very little resources on how to test FilamentPHP packages 😎
  • We now pass the whole Model to the views. So, you don't need to define the data you need to use. Just use them.
  • You now tell us which Model you're managing on this Kanban board, and we do most things for you. You don't have to override any methods. This includes loading records, updating them, sorting them, editing them, etc.
  • We now include a text input for editing the title in the edit form by default.

Imagine if you had this:


namespace App\Filament\Pages;

use App\Enums\UserStatus;
use App\Models\User;
use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Mokhosh\FilamentKanban\Pages\KanbanBoard;

class UserDashboard extends KanbanBoard
    protected function statuses(): Collection
        return UserStatus::statuses();

    protected function records(): Collection
        return User::ordered()->get();

    public function onStatusChanged(int $recordId, string $status, array $fromOrderedIds, array $toOrderedIds): void
        User::find($recordId)->update(['status' => $status]);


    public function onSortChanged(int $recordId, string $status, array $orderedIds): void

    protected function getEditModalFormSchema(null|int $recordId): array
        return [

    protected function getEditModalRecordData($recordId, $data): array
        return User::find($recordId)->toArray();

    protected function editRecord($recordId, array $data, array $state): void
            'title' => $data['title']

    protected function additionalRecordData(Model $record): Collection
        return collect([
            'deficiencies' => $record->deficiencies,

Now you can have just this:

use App\Enums\UserStatus;
use App\Models\User;
use Mokhosh\FilamentKanban\Pages\KanbanBoard;

class UserDashboard extends KanbanBoard
    protected static ?string $model = User::class;
    protected static ?string $statusEnum = UserStatus::class;

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