github moghtech/komodo v1.17.0-dev-6
Komodo v1.17.0-dev-6

pre-release10 hours ago

🦎 This is pre-release 6 of v1.17.0 for initial testing and feedback. 🦎

This fixes PKCE when using OIDC login. Also implements OIDC client refresh loop for providers which cycle their JWK, which previously led to users having to restart Komodo Core to log in again.

Core image:
Periphery image:

Systemd Periphery installer:

  • Add --version=v1.17.0-dev-6 to the install command.
  • You can remove --version=v1.17.0-dev-6 and run again if you need to go back to the previous version.
curl -sSL \ \
  | python3 - --user --version=v1.17.0-dev-6

See the ongoing changelog in the PR: #248

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