github moghtech/komodo v1.17.0-dev-5
Komodo v1.17.0-dev-5

latest release: v1.17.0-dev-6
pre-release2 days ago

🦎 This is pre-release 5 of v1.17.0 for initial testing and feedback. 🦎

This fixes an issue with Stack commands on specific services present in v1.17.0-dev-4

Core image:
Periphery image:

Systemd Periphery installer:

  • Add --version=v1.17.0-dev-5 to the install command.
  • You can remove --version=v1.17.0-dev-5 and run again if you need to go back to the previous version.
curl -sSL \ \
  | python3 - --user --version=v1.17.0-dev-5

See the ongoing changelog in the PR: #248

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