github moezbhatti/qksms v3.0.0-preview04
v3.0.0 Preview 4

latest releases: v3.10.1, v3.10.0, v3.9.4...
pre-release7 years ago


  • Change ringtone on Android versions without notification channel support
  • Support for launching conversation by sharing from other apps


  • Improved performance when launching app from launcher
  • Improved performance when launching app from notification, or other apps
  • New messages (sent or received) will be displayed faster


  • Message notifications won't come through if the conversation is most recently viewed screen in the app, even if it isn't active on the screen
  • Messages sent through QKSMS aren't visible unless a Sync is performed
  • Text entry when composing new messages doesn't auto-capitlize
  • App crashes when message is deleted

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