github ml-tooling/best-of-web-python 2023.05.04
Update: 2023.05.04

latest releases: 2024.06.06, 2024.05.30, 2024.05.23...
14 months ago

📈 Trending Up

Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity.

  • django-storages (🥇35 · ⭐ 2.4K · 📈) - Django-storages is a project to provide a variety of.. BSD-3
  • Flask-SocketIO (🥈34 · ⭐ 5K · 📈) - Socket.IO integration for Flask applications. MIT
  • Flask-Migrate (🥇32 · ⭐ 2.2K · 📈) - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications.. MIT
  • django-redis (🥈31 · ⭐ 2.6K · 📈) - Full featured redis cache backend for Django. BSD-3
  • igramscraper (🥉16 · ⭐ 2.1K · 💀) - scrapes medias, likes, followers, tags and all metadata... MIT

📉 Trending Down

Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity.

  • jinja (🥈34 · ⭐ 9.2K · 📉) - A very fast and expressive template engine. BSD-3
  • django-mptt (🥉25 · ⭐ 2.7K · 📉) - Utilities for implementing a modified pre-order.. ❗Unlicensed
  • pytest-django (🥉25 · ⭐ 1.2K · 📉) - A Django plugin for pytest. ❗Unlicensed
  • pyppeteer (🥉21 · ⭐ 3.5K · 💀) - Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial.. ❗Unlicensed
  • InstaPy (🥉3 · 📉) - ❗Unlicensed

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