github ml-tooling/best-of-web-python 2021.01.21
Update: 2021.01.21

latest releases: 2024.06.06, 2024.05.30, 2024.05.23...
3 years ago

📈 Trending Up

Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity.

  • Flask-Migrate (🥇33 · ⭐ 1.8K · 📈) - SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications.. MIT
  • jsonfield (🥈29 · ⭐ 1.1K · 💤) - A reusable Django model field for storing ad-hoc JSON data. MIT
  • django-cacheops (🥈28 · ⭐ 1.3K · 📈) - A slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-.. BSD-3
  • dpkt (🥉28 · ⭐ 770 · 📈) - fast, simple packet creation / parsing, with definitions for the basic.. BSD-3
  • django-sql-explorer (🥉27 · ⭐ 1.7K · 📈) - Easily share data across your company via SQL.. MIT

📉 Trending Down

Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity.

  • flask-admin (🥇33 · ⭐ 4.6K · 📉) - Simple and extensible administrative interface framework.. BSD-3
  • google-maps-services-python (🥈29 · ⭐ 3K · 📉) - Python client library for Google Maps API Web Services. Apache-2
  • twython (🥉28 · ⭐ 1.8K · 📉) - Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API... MIT
  • django-phonenumber-field (🥉25 · ⭐ 1K · 📉) - A django model and form field for normalised phone.. MIT
  • deform (🥉24 · ⭐ 350 · 📉) - A Python HTML form library. BSD-3

➕ Added Projects

Projects that were recently added to this best-of list.

  • django-codemod (🥉14 · ⭐ 73 · ➕) - A tool to automatically fix Django deprecations. MIT

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