github ml-tooling/best-of-ml-python 2024.03.14
Update: 2024.03.14

latest releases: 2024.06.06, 2024.05.30, 2024.05.23...
3 months ago

πŸ“ˆ Trending Up

Projects that have a higher project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons, such as increased downloads or code activity.

  • PySpark (πŸ₯‡45 Β· ⭐ 38K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - Apache Spark Python API. Apache-2
  • PyFlink (πŸ₯ˆ38 Β· ⭐ 23K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - Apache Flink Python API. Apache-2
  • Theano (πŸ₯ˆ38 Β· ⭐ 9.8K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - Theano was a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and.. BSD-3
  • ivy (πŸ₯ˆ35 Β· ⭐ 14K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - The Unified AI Framework. Apache-2
  • UMAP (πŸ₯ˆ32 Β· ⭐ 6.8K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection. BSD-3
  • ftfy (πŸ₯ˆ32 Β· ⭐ 3.7K Β· πŸ“ˆ) - Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode text, after the fact. Apache-2
  • langid (πŸ₯ˆ28 Β· ⭐ 2.2K Β· πŸ’€) - Stand-alone language identification system. BSD-3
  • Pillow-SIMD (πŸ₯‰25 Β· ⭐ 2.1K Β· πŸ’€) - The friendly PIL fork. ❗️PIL
  • DeepMatcher (πŸ₯‰22 Β· ⭐ 5K Β· πŸ’€) - Python package for performing Entity and Text Matching using.. BSD-3
  • sklearn-evaluation (πŸ₯‰19 Β· ⭐ 430 Β· πŸ’€) - Machine learning model evaluation made easy: plots,.. MIT

πŸ“‰ Trending Down

Projects that have a lower project-quality score compared to the last update. There might be a variety of reasons such as decreased downloads or code activity.

  • Matplotlib (πŸ₯‡48 Β· ⭐ 19K Β· πŸ“‰) - matplotlib: plotting with Python. ❗Unlicensed
  • pygal (πŸ₯ˆ24 Β· ⭐ 2.6K Β· πŸ“‰) - PYthon svg GrAph plotting Library. ❗️LGPL-3.0
  • EfficientNet-PyTorch (πŸ₯‰22 Β· ⭐ 7.7K Β· πŸ’€) - A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet and.. Apache-2
  • HiPlot (πŸ₯‰22 Β· ⭐ 2.7K Β· πŸ’€) - HiPlot makes understanding high dimensional data easy. MIT
  • modAL (πŸ₯‰22 Β· ⭐ 2.1K Β· πŸ’€) - A modular active learning framework for Python. MIT
  • AstroML (πŸ₯‰19 Β· ⭐ 1K Β· πŸ“‰) - Machine learning, statistics, and data mining for astronomy and.. BSD-2
  • scikit-rebate (πŸ₯‰16 Β· ⭐ 390 Β· πŸ’€) - A scikit-learn-compatible Python implementation of.. MIT
  • analytics-zoo (πŸ₯‰16 Β· ⭐ 3 Β· πŸ“‰) - Distributed Tensorflow, Keras and PyTorch on Apache.. Apache-2
  • Feature Engine (πŸ₯‰15 Β· ⭐ 44 Β· πŸ’€) - Feature engineering package with sklearn like functionality. BSD-3
  • nptsne (πŸ₯‰10 Β· ⭐ 32 Β· πŸ’€) - nptsne is a numpy compatible python binary package that offers a.. Apache-2

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