github mitre-attack/attack-navigator v4.5.5
attack-navigator v4.5.5

latest releases: v5.0.1, v5.0.0, v4.9.5...
2 years ago



  • Fixed an issue with the Dockerfile which was preventing the docker image from building. See issue #395.


  • Font sizing in the SVG exports are optimally sized to improve readability and consistency. See issue #221.

New Features

  • Added the ability to assign hyperlinks and metadata to selected techniques in the technique controls toolbar. See issue #321.
    • Hyperlinks can be accessed via the context menu and metadata can be viewed in the technique tooltip. Both hyperlinks and metadata can also be added directly to Layer Files (see Layer File Format Changes below for more details).
    • Users can disable the link underline effect on techniques by editing src/assets/config.json or through the "Create Customized Navigator" interface.
  • Added the ability to assign hyperlinks layers. Hyperlinks can be viewed and edited in the layer information panel alongside layer metadata.

Layer File Format Changes

Updated the Layer File Format to v4.3 which adds a links array field to technique objects and to layers. This supports the assignment of hyperlinks to techniques which are accessed in the context menu and to layers which are accessed in the layer information dropdown menu. Link objects must conform to the schema {"label": string, "url": string} or {"divider": boolean}. A separator is displayed in the technique context menu where the divider property occurs in the list of hyperlinks.

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