github minio/mc RELEASE.2020-09-23T20-02-13Z
Minor Bug Fix Release

latest releases: RELEASE.2024-06-29T19-08-46Z, RELEASE.2024-06-24T19-40-33Z, RELEASE.2024-06-20T14-50-54Z...
3 years ago


  • Field name in mc admin info command has been changed
    from disks to drives as of minio release RELEASE.2020-09-23T19-18-30Z.
    Please upgrade to this mc if you are using minio release RELEASE.2020-09-23T19-18-30Z or newer


  • update minio to pkg/madmin changes (09/23/20) (Harshavardhana)
  • pretty print KMS key status (#3412) (09/23/20) (Harshavardhana)
  • fix: make assert_failure exit properly (#3415) (09/23/20) (Nugine)
  • rm: Show deleted error msg when delete marker is found (#3407) (09/21/20) (Anis Elleuch)
  • update json flag help to indicate the correct format (#3411) (09/21/20) (Harshavardhana)
  • admin: add new command for creating KMS master keys (#3287) (09/20/20) (Andreas Auernhammer)
  • ls: New output format when versioning is enabled (#3392) (09/20/20) (Anis Elleuch)

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