github mineiros-io/terraform-github-repository v0.11.0

latest releases: v0.18.0, v0.17.0, v0.16.2...
2 years ago



We dropped support for Terraform pre 1.0 and GitHub Terraform Provider pre 4.0.
In addition we changed to the integrations/github official GitHub Terraform Provider.
This needs migration actions if you already used this module with the hashicorp/github provider and want to upgrade.

Migration from previous versions

To migrate from a previous version, please ensure that you are using the
integrations/github official GitHub Terraform Provider.

terraform {
  required_version = "~> 1.0"

  required_providers {
    github = {
      source  = "integrations/github"
      version = "~> 4.0"

Once you've updated the provider, a manual state migration is required to
migrate existing resources to the new provider.
The following command will replace the provider in the state.

terraform state replace-provider

After you've migrated the state, please run
terraform init to apply the changes to the resources.


  • Add support for Official GitHub Terraform Provider integrations/github


  • Removed support for Terraform < 1.0
  • Removed support for GitHub Provider < 4.0
  • Removed compatibility to Hashicorp GitHub Terraform Provider hashicorp/github


  • Set webhooks output as sensitive.
  • Add underscores in team names (special thanks to @marc-sensenich)
  • Fix dismiss_stale_reviews in README to a default value of true

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