github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 8.1.1

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
5 years ago

New Features

  • Feature: biometric policy timeout, we have new policies that allow the user to require a PIN after a preset timeout, even if the user has a biometric reader. This is transparent to the app. Please see App Protection Policy settings for more information.
  • Feature: If the user's TouchID/FaceID enrollment has changed, we will ask for the app PIN as defensive in depth. This is transparent to the app.
  • GCC/Fairfax/Telemetry: If we detect a GCC user in the ADAL cache, we will not send up PowerLift logs. We also fixed an issue where we were not sending tenantID's for enrollment telemetry events.
  • Improved iMessage support: We'll filter out any managed content.
  • IntuneMAMEnrollmentStatusUnsupportedAPI - Applications should not try to enroll from an extension. If they do so, we will return IntuneMAMEnrollmentStatusUnsupportedAPI.
  • Provided a dark UI theme for Microsoft Edge for iOS team.
  • Because of a new API: isUniversalLinkAllowed, we have upped our API version. Yammer is the only app that needs to program to the new API, but please review it to make sure your app does not fall into this category.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where we'd incorrectly truncate our log file.
  • Added the isUniversalLinkAllowed API to the IntuneMAMPolicy protocol so apps can check if the current MAM policy would block a given universal link based on data transfer settings. If your application calls openURL with UIApplicatioOpenURLOptionUniversalLinksOnly you can first call isUniversalLinkAllow first to see if the SDK will block the operation. If the openURL call is blocked, the SDK will display a dialog. Calling isUniversalLinkAllow first will allow you to avoid this if your application will handle the openUR failure itself.
  • Fixed the Intune Diagnostics UI layout for iPhone X.
  • Added null string support (vs. only "") in the JSON parsing code.
  • When a patch request is made to the service, all patchable values are now included instead of only those that changed.
  • Fixed a reference counting issue in our PDF file hooks that caused OD's PDF editing library to crash.
  • Added positional syntax for strings resources to handle loc'd messages where the localization changes the order of the format specifiers.
  • Fixed deadlock on app restarts.
  • Fixed bug in reading debug policies file.
  • Used a single NSDateFormatter - previously we were using one per log message. Now we use one per process, as NSDateFormatter is thread safe in iOS 7+. This saves ~700 bytes of heap allocation per message.

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