github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 14.5.0

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
3 years ago

What's New

  • Performance improvements.
  • Added new set of data protection APIs (protect, unprotect, protectString, unprotectString) that include error reporting. These APIs mimic the existing data protection APIs with the addition of providing error details as an NSError object.
  • Allow use of MFMailComposeViewController or MFMessageComposeViewController when "mailto" or "sms" protocol is exempted from outgoing data transfer policy, respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where the SDK might not successfully block action sheets shown in webviews when user long-presses a link.
  • Fixed issue where the SDK would fail to load local files in QuickLook views.
  • Fixed issue where a potential infinite loop occurs if auto-enroll is started during identity switch.
  • Fixed accessibility issue in the diagnostic console UI.
  • Fixed issue where SDK would block OS versions that were equal to the set maximum OS version.
  • Fixed issue where MAM-CA enrollment information isn't always persisted to disk.
  • Fixed issue where the app is permanently stuck on the "Checking your organization's data access requirements for this app" screen following a required sign in.
  • Fixed issue where pasteboard doesn't get refreshed for share extensions.
  • Fixed issue where app could crash if it tries to add a nil action to UIGestureRecognizer.
  • Fixed issue in apps which integrate MSAL and pass a UPN to loginAndEnrollAccount where the MSAL prompt was not pre-populated with the UPN.
  • Fixed a potential crash that could occur if the application attempts to delete items from the keychain using a query which has a NSData object specified for the kSecAttrService key.
  • Fixed issue where the conditional access delegate didn't get called if second remediation is triggered from the delegate call of a previous remediation flow.
  • Fixed issue where files could be incorrectly tagged as managed when attempting to import them in single identity apps.
  • Fixed issue where NSItemProvider loadObjectOfClass would sometimes return an error when loading NSURL objects.
  • Fixed issue where sharing to the Files app could be allowed when it should have been blocked by policy.

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