github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 12.9.0

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
3 years ago

What's New

  • Made updates to how cut/copy/paste policy is enforced to accommodate changes in iOS 14 that may cause users to see unexpected notifications about the app accessing the pasteboard.
  • Allow unenrolled open-in action extensions to send the main application encrypted files to kick off auto-enroll.
  • Instead of blocking long press altogether, the SDK will now display a custom action sheet when users long press on an image or link within a WKWebView if outgoing data is restricted.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where QuickLook preview controller might fail to preview files on iOS 11 and 12 if outgoing share policy is restricted.
  • Fixed issue where apps integrating the SDK might be flagged for UIWebView references during app store submission.
  • Fixed issue where unknown IntuneMAMEnrollmentStatus values could be passed to apps as a result of service timeouts.

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