github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 12.6.1

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
3 years ago

What's New

  • Added new save location, IntuneMAMSaveLocationCameraRoll, for the API isSaveToAllowedForLocation. Use this if the app needs to determine if saving to the camera roll is allowed. Always pair with a nil account name.
  • Changed the behavior of so that it's equivalent to setting 'Save copies of org data'='Block' when 'Send org data to other apps'=='All apps'.
  • Added new public header - IntuneMAMFile.h, which contains API to read/write software encrytped and unencrypted files.
  • Performance: Reduced the number of times the SDK asks ADAL to query the keychain token cache during enrollment.
  • Updated the SDK's dependency on MobileCoreServices to CoreServices, in light of Apple's renaming of this system framework. The SDK will work for apps which link against either MobileCoreServices or CoreServices.
  • Added new jailbreak detection checks.
  • Cache the default keychain access group to avoid potential failures when trying to query the keychain for it.
  • Added new getSaveToLocationsForAccount and getOpenFromLocationsForAccount APIs. These new APIs return a compiled list of all the locations and whether each is allowed to be saved to or opened from.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some accessibility issues in the diagnostic console.
  • Fixed issue where numeric keyboard could appear for the PIN screen when the alphanumeric keyboard was required.
  • Fixed a potential infinite loop/hang in apps integrating MSAL.
  • Fixed an unrecognized selector crash that could occur in MAM-CA scenarios for apps integrating MSAL.
  • Fixed "Can't add Attachment" issue when sharing to Outlook.
  • Fixed accessibility issues in the PIN screen.
  • Fixed issue where cancel button didn't work when sharing a file to Adobe Acrobat.
  • Fixed issue in the Info.plist of the IntuneMAMActionExtension where NSExtensionPrincipalClass was defined in the wrong place.
  • Fixed issue where the SDK would incorrectly log an error about OpenInActionExtension setting being enabled for a non-action extension.
  • Fixed issue with UIDocumentPickerViewController import/open mode where selected files would be discarded if an identity switch was required to open the file.
  • Fixed issue accessing MSAL token cache which prevented looking up user object ids and authorities.

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