github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 12.3.1

latest releases: 19.5.0, 19.4.0, 19.3.1...
4 years ago

What’s New

  • Support for Org Account Required for MDM feature. Apps get this for free!

  • Added support for cut/copy/paste operations in all webviews to be treated as unmanaged based on the boolean intune setting 'TreatAllWebViewAsUnmanaged' set by the app to prevent data leak to external websites. Use this setting if the app uses webviews in managed context to display web-content that isn’t completely controlled by the app and could allow the user to navigate to external websites.

  • Updated pasteboard code to be aware of MD5 hashes as well as SHA256.

  • Added config to control whether save-as policy is applied when app-to-app sharing is unrestricted.

Bug Fixes

  • Flag fix for SSH

  • Moved example argument plist, license, and third party notice out of code directory for AppWrapper DMG

  • Fixed the issue of multiple IntuneMAMDataProtectionDidChangeNotification being sent.

  • Added line break to alert dialogs to stop apple bug that is truncating our alerts.

  • Fixed issue where image save was not being blocked when long pressing on images within a WKWebView.

  • Fixed issue where PIN screen could get into a bad state if the user quickly taps on text boxes or prompt text while it is displayed.

  • Fixed issue where opening a managed web-link would not require Edge to switch to the managed user.

  • Fixed issue in wrapped apps where the app-update button would exit the app without opening the company portal app for updating the app.

  • Fixed a regression that was causing an early return in import hooks in file-provider extension.

  • Fixed issue where UIApplication canOpenURL could be called from Today extensions.

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