github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 11.1.2

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
4 years ago

What's New

  • Added support for ADAL 4.0.
  • Added support for MSAL 0.5.0. Please review the Intune SDK for iOS developer guide for more information.
  • To make our APIs available in Swift, apps can now simply use a module import statement, rather than an Objective-C bridging header.
  • Added a new IntuneMAMSettings class with backgroundColor, foregroundColor, and accentColor properties that can be used to customize the color scheme of the Intune SDK UI components. See the new header: IntuneMAMSettings.h
  • Moved some settings-related and diagnostics-related APIs out of IntuneMAMPolicyManager and into the IntuneMAMSettings and IntuneMAMDiagnosticConsole classes. Existing methods/properties have been deprecated and calling them will produce a warning in Xcode. Apps should transition to the new APIs as soon as possible.
  • IntuneMAMDiagnosticConsole displayDiagnosticConsoleInDarkMode:(BOOL)isDarkMode is now deprecated. Calling this method will produce a warning in Xcode. Apps should transition to using the custom color settings in the IntuneMAMSettings class mentioned above, and instead call IntuneMAMDiagnosticConsole displayDiagnosticConsole.
  • FileProvider: Memory optimization for Intune File Provider library.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where we could incorrectly block a managed user from copying a file from one managed location to another.
  • Fixed an issue where we would clear the pasteboard when the ingress policy was set to restrict to managed apps and the paste board policy was unrestricted.
  • Fixed a hang on iOS 10 caused by an iOS bug where deallocationg an NSOutputStream from a dispatch_once block never returns.

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