github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 11.0.2

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
5 years ago

New Features

  • Create universal framework for partners who require universal target in Swift.
  • Support for wrapping Xcode 10.2/Swift applications with the Intune app wrapping tool.
  • Hooking Swift API's that are part of the OS now requires a new set of binaries. 11.0.2+ contains the necessary binaries, please use these. If any part of your app or extension is written in Swift, and you're building with Xcode10.2+, you will need to stop linking with IntuneMAM.framework/libIntuneMAM.a and instead link against IntuneMAMSwift.framework. You will also need to link IntuneMAMSwiftStub.framework. Apps/extensions that are written entirely in Objective-C or which are compiled with pre-Xcode 10.2 should continue to link against IntuneMAM.framework/libIntuneMAM.a. Presently, these API hooks will be missed if you ship using Xcode 10.2 but do not upgrade to the latest SDK: the deprecated version of UIApplicationMain, Data.write() DispatchQueue.async(), DispatchQueue.asyncAfter(), DispatchQueue.sync(), DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(), DispatchGroup.notify(), DispatchWorkItem.notify(), String.write(), Substring.write(), and URL.writeBookmarkData().
  • Support for an admin-specified third-party required browser via Intune app protection policies. This feature does not require any work on your part.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix convenience API to handle string and NSNumber BOOLS.
  • For some hooks, the end of the mangled hook name differs between the 1st and 3rd party SDK. The initial implementation did not take this into account and we would not hook those API's. The fix was to account for this difference.

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