github microsoftconnect/ms-intune-app-sdk-ios 11.0.13

latest releases: 19.4.0, 19.3.1, 19.2.0...
4 years ago

What's New

  • Move from dynamic Swift hook symbol lookup to compile-time solution. This allows 1st party partners to consume our Swift static lib without needing to export our symbols. If you use the Swift framework, you should take this drop, this release fixes a crash in app load in dyld that we started seeing in iOS13 Beta 3.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where managed files could not be transferred from a managed app to a managed share extension.
  • Fixed crash in IntuneMAMWalledGardenSwift framework when applications are compiled with XCode 11.
  • Update openURL enforcement of admin-specified browser policy to preserve the s when transforming URLs. Assume an admin specified awb as a custom browser scheme for Intune to open all managed URLs into. If an Intune user opens a url with scheme http. Before, Intune would transform into awb:// Now Intune will preserve the s. becomes awbs://

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