github microsoft/vscode-python 2020.12.422005962

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4 years ago

2020.12.0 (14 December 2020)


  1. FastAPI debugger feature.
    (thanks Marcelo Trylesinski!)
  2. Put linter prompt behind an experiment flag.
  3. Use default color for "Select Python interpreter" on the status bar.
    (thanks Daniel Rodriguez!)
  4. Experiment to use the new environment discovery module.
  5. Add experimentation API support for Pylance.


  1. Format .pyi files correctly when using Black.
    (thanks Steve Dignam!)
  2. Add node-loader to support webpack for fsevents package.
  3. Don't show play icon in diff editor.
    (thanks David Sanders!)
  4. Do not show "You need to select a Python interpreter before you start debugging" when "python" in debug configuration is invalid.
  5. Fix custom language server message handlers being registered too late in startup.

Code Health

  1. Modified the errors generated when launch.json is not properly configured to be more specific about which fields are missing.
    (thanks Shahzaib Paracha!)

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