github microsoft/vscode-jupyter 2022.1.1001775990
Release 2022.1.1001775990

latest releases: v1.0.93, v2024.11.0, v1.0.92...
3 years ago


  1. Reloading VS Code is no longer necessary when switching between local and remote Jupyter servers.
  2. Expose Jupyter Kernel API to 3rd party extensions.
    This API is still in preview and only available in VS Code Insiders, further information can be found here
  3. Recommend using %matplotlib widget when any other %matplotlib choice is set.
  4. Be able to retrieve XSRF token with session cookie from notebook server on Kubeflow. (@shawnzhu)
  5. Add support for pre-release version of Extensions for VS Code Insiders.
  6. Allow to retrieve the jupyter filename programmatically (vsc_ipynb_file) [fix support for ClearML]
  7. Display both local and remote kernels together in the kernel picker.


  1. Install IPyKernel without a terminal when dealing with Virtual Environments on windows.
  2. Use the appropriate directory for a notebook if remoting to 'localhost'
  3. Fix VS code leaving kernel processes running during shutdown.
  4. Deprecate "Change Directory on Import Export Setting"
  5. Fix plot viewer so that plots are full size when opening.
  6. Support viewing dataframes (in the dataframe viewer) that contain columns used as an index.
  7. Support automatic reconnection to a remote kernel when reopening a notebook.
  8. Fix completions for paths for notebooks so that you can keep tabbing through all entries. This used to stop after the first level.
  9. Prevent variables from getting stuck in the Loading... state after restart.
  10. Allow queueing of multiple cells in the interactive window.
  11. Correctly handle leading spaces in cells when debugging with the interactive window.
  12. Support intellisense after connecting to a remote server (defaults to active python interpreter)
  13. Make run file in interactive window respect cell boundaries.
  14. Get %matplotlib qt5 working again.
    QT5's event loop is slightly different and can't handle concurrent requests so make sure to wait for a request before issuing another.
  15. Fix problems when 'print' has been overridden by user code.
  16. Ensure interactive IPyWidgets work even after restarting Remote Kernels.
  17. Continue attempting to create a kernel for the IW if it failed to start previously
  18. Fix intellisense to work when no folder is opened.
  19. Fix intellisense after deleting a line from a cell that contains the word 'await' or a magic.
  20. Set suggested kernel for interactive window correctly.
  21. Fix semantic colorization in the first cell of a notebook.
  22. Context key not updated when interactive window is created from command palette.
  23. Autocompletions from the jupyter kernel can sometimes not appear.
  24. Fix problem with markdown cells in the interactive window not being split if they have code in them too.
  25. Fix conda environments not working when ZMQ support is not enabled.
    Ensure sys.path is setup such that packages installed in selected environments is given preference (imported) over global site-packages.
    I.e. this fix will ensure packages are first imported from the selected environment, and then from the global site-packages.
  26. Apply correct resource settings to notebookFileRoot in multi-root workspaces.
  27. Fix problem where error stack traces would show random code that hadn't actually been run.
  28. Fix caching of conda environment data so that subsequent runs of conda kernels are faster.
  29. Allows execution in more than one interactive window at the same time.
  30. Don't ask the user to enable CDN widget sources if they are already enabled and add more information to the warning message when we fail to download the widget.
  31. Fix traceback parsing when using IPython 8.0 or greater.
  32. Expand ~ in notebookFileRoot setting.
  33. Fix launching kernel on Mac M1 (or zmq not supported) using default environment.
  34. Fix the interactive debugging tests to shut down debugging correctly at the end.
  35. Fix error tracebacks to not have background colors. Background colors from Jupyter don't match VS code themes, so they were just removed.
  36. Fix prompting to switch to prerelease even when already on prerelease.
  37. Fix problem with markdown cells causing off by one errors in notebooks.
  38. Fix for intellisense breaking after typing a magic into a cell other than the first.

Code Health

  1. Refactor any code using a string for a file path to support a URI instead. This should make remote file systems work better.
  2. Make sure submissions include a news file.
  3. Consolidate requirements.txt files into a smaller set.
  4. Change error message prompting user to install IPykernel into an information message.
  5. Display modal dialog when attempting to run Python notebooks without the Python extension installed.
  6. Display error message when failing to connect to the remote Jupyter server.
  7. Remove jupyter.runMagicCommands (which has been deprecated for over a year) in favor of runStartupCommands.
  8. Activate conda environments using conda run.
  9. Improvements to progress message displayed when starting kernels. The messages now attempt to provide more information about the progress and hopefully make it easier to understand what is going on (or what is slow when starting a kernel).
  10. Update to remove insiders specific references.


Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:

Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:

VS Code Stable releases along with the minimum recommended version of the Jupyter Extension.

Release VS Code Stable Recommended Jupyter Build
November 1.63.0 2021.11.1001550889
October 1.62.0 2021.10.1001414422
September 1.61.2 2021.9.1101343141
August 1.60.2 2021.8.2041215044
July 1.59.1 2021.8.1236758218
June 1.58.2 2021.8.1054968649

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