github microsoft/vscode-jupyter 2021.8.12
2021.8.12 (17th August 2021)

latest releases: v2024.11.0, v1.0.92, v2024.10.0...
3 years ago

2021.8.12 (17 August 2021)


  1. Fix interrupt kernel in native interactive window when executing a #%% cell.
  2. Populate the interactive window variable explorer when focus is in the #%% Python file.
  3. Reinitialize kernels after a restart, including resetting current working directory and rerunning startup commands.
  4. Restore support for jupyter.collapseCellInputCodeByDefault in native interactive window.
  5. Fix restart kernel in native interactive window when executing a #%% cell.
  6. Ensure variable explorer handles kernel restarts.

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