2021.8.11 (3 August 2021)
- Updated the preview to run by line in native notebooks. Set the
setting to true, install ipykernel 6 on your selected kernel and aRun by Line
button will appear on cell toolbars. Pressing it will start a lightweight debugging session and let you run the cell line by line.
- Restore plotviewer in Native Notebooks.
(#6315) - Fix debugging in
Interactive Window
when usingIPyKernel 6
(#6534) - Add a placeholder
Python 3
kernel if user doesn't have any Python interpreters, with ability to notify user to install Python extenssion or Python runtime.
(#5864) - Fixes to completion items received from Jupyter.
(#5956) - Run all and restarting does not actually interrupt the rest of the running cells.
(#5996) - Remove popup tip that indicates to users the kernel picker is in the bottom right.
(#6016) - Ensure Pyspark kernels are listed.
(#6316) - Fix problem where the active interpreter is not being used for the interactive window when not running with raw kernel.
(#6409) Ctrl+Enter
in native notebooks should put cell into command mode immediately, then run the cell.
(#6582)- List non-traditional (not using
) global Python kernelspecs.
(#6622) - Clone the Notebook metadata before udpating it.
(#6624) - Format the readme to render correctly on the VS Code extensions side bar. Thanks jyooru!
(#6648) - Ensure we get Jupyter Server info correctly in Python 3.6.
(#6738) - List kernels in situations where extension is installed after opening a notebook.