github microsoft/vscode-jupyter 2021.6.99

latest releases: v1.0.93, v2024.11.0, v1.0.92...
3 years ago

2021.6.99 (8 June 2021)


  1. Data Viewer Filter Rows must use explicit wildcards to search for substrings in string filters. For example, filtering by "stable" will not show the value "unstable" anymore, but filtering by "*stable" will show "stable" and "unstable".
  2. Sort variables by name and type in variable explorer.
  3. Limit languages dispalyed in the Cell language picker to languages supported by the kernel.
  4. Move native notebooks cell toolbar to the left by default.
  5. Display modal dialog box (so users don't miss this) when IPyKernel (or Jupyter) is missing (required to run Python in Interactive Window or Notebooks).
  6. Add support for Virtual Workspaces.
  7. Losslessly compressed PNG images to save ~20KB.
    (thanks Christopher Yeh)
  8. Adopt notebook/toolbar contribution point for native notebooks.
  9. Tweak variable view fit and finish to match VS Code.
  10. Replace 'Run cells above' and 'Run cell and below' commands and cell toolbar buttons with VS Code's built-in 'Execute Above Cells' and 'Execute Cell And Below' commands and unified run button.


  1. Update/reinstall if module such as IPyKernel was installed once before or already exists.
  2. Stop listing default kernelspecs in kernel picker.
  3. Store interpreter information in notebook metadata instead of the generated kernelspec name.
  4. Restore the Run Above/Below cells command in Command Palette.
  5. Migrate 'workbench.editorAssociations' setting to new format.
  6. Add ABCMeta and type to variable explorer exclude list.
  7. Blank Python notebooks do not use active interpreter.
  8. Change language of cell to reflect langauges supported by the selected Kernel.
  9. Resolve issue related to Interrupt button vanishing when tabbing across notebooks while a cell is being executed.
  10. Delete encrypted storage in a try catch to avoid errors.
  11. Support new renderer API in Jupyter.
  12. Hide kernels belonging to deleted Python environments from kernel picker.

Code Health

  1. Error category for unsupported kernelspec file args.
  2. Fix basic execution issues with nonConda 'remote' and nonConda 'local' test suites.
  3. Update to new message API for native notebook preloads.
  4. Rename of onDidChangeCellExecutionState.
  5. Fix functional ipywidget tests.
  6. When using remote Jupyter connections pre-fetch kernels only when opening a notebook.
  7. Removed execution isolation script.
  8. VSCode API naming changes for NotebookCellExecution, NotebookRendererScript.
  9. API Changes viewType => notebookType and notebook namespace to notebooks.
  10. Update test init code to use window and not notebook for editor properties.
  11. Support the new renderer API in jupyter extension.
  12. Update to new notebookcontroller selection function name.
  13. Inline execution handler change to notebook API.


Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:

Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:

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