github microsoft/vscode-jupyter 2021.5.0
Release 2021.5.0

latest releases: v1.0.93, v2024.11.0, v1.0.92...
3 years ago


  1. Be able to provide string argument to jupyter.execSelectionInteractive for extensibility.
    (thanks Andrew Craig)


  1. Jupyter variables tab will always be named 'Jupyter Variables'.
  2. Variable view will stay as long as you have a notebook open (not necessarily active).
  3. Add quotations to arguments with blank spaces when executing kernel processes.
  4. Do not prompt to install Python extension when creating a blank notebook.
  5. Cache the active workspace Python Interpreter.
  6. Don't prewarm variables for global jupyter interpreter if ZMQ is supported.
  7. When closing the Interactive Window, shutdown sessions started by Interactive Window.
  8. Stop wrapping new errors if we threw the original error.
  9. Ignore errors when getting the environment variables for a Python environment.
  10. Revert viewsContainter name to Jupyter and view name to Variables to avoid un-named viewsContainer.
  11. Ensure extensions depending on Jupyter do not fail to load if Jupyter extension fails to load.
  12. Don't display the data science banner for non-Jupyter notebooks.
  13. Don't use NotebookEditor.onDidDispose and support new err / out specific stream mime types.
  14. Prevent unnecessary activation of the Python extension.
  15. Update widget kernel for new NotebookOutputEventParams.
  16. Updates to code used to run Python in an isolated manner.
  17. Changes to proposed API for using resolveKernel instead of resolveNotebook. Since this change goes along with widget tests also renable and fix those tests.
  18. Fix data viewer display of non-numeric index columns in DataFrames.
  19. Display messages notifying user to enable support for CDNs when rendering IPyWidgets.
  20. When reopening a newly created Notebook with a Julia kernel, the cells should be detected as Julia.
  21. Support switching kernels in Native Notebooks when connecting to Jupyter.
  22. Refactor how Kernels are searched and selected.
  23. Fix run selection/line to work from the active editor
  24. Update variable view to use the new API for native cell execution notification.
  25. Ensure users in CodeSpaces do not get prompted to forward Kernel Ports.
  26. Disable surveys in CodeSpaces.
  27. Ensure Git diff viewer does not get replaced by Notebook Editor.
    (thanks Matt Bierner)

Code Health

  1. Ability to queue telemetry until all of the data required is available.
  2. Fix variables test. We had a new import of sys, which was causing the variable fetching to have to do one extra fetch, pushing it over the limit to require a second chunk fetch.
  3. Add tests for data viewer slice data functionality.
  4. Remove setting jupyter.useNotebookEditor.
  5. Enable debug logging by default.


Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:

Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:

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