2021.2.0 (17 February 2021)
- Support multidimensional data in the data viewer. >2D dimensions are flattened, with the ability to double-click on a truncated cell to view the full value in a horizontally scrollable field.
(#298) - Support NaN, Inf, -Inf in data viewer.
(#299) - Support viewing PyTorch tensors and TensorFlow EagerTensors in variable explorer and data viewer.
(#304) - Show more detailed error messages when the kernel dies or times out.
(#1254) - Do not invoke requestKernelInfo when the Kernel.info property already contains this information.
(#3202) - Support rendering of outputs such as Plotly, Altair, Vega, and the like in Native Notebooks.
(#3936) - Add full Simplified Chinese translation.
(thanks FiftysixTimes7)
(#4418) - Add a button to the native notebook toolbar to show the variable panel. Disable button when panel is already visible.
(#4486) - Users on AML Compute will automatically get the new Native Notebook experience.
(#4550) - Improved Tensor tooltips in Python files which have been run in the interactive window.
(#302) - Minimize number of icons on the notebook toolbar (put the rest in overflow).
(#4730) - Add survey for the new Notebooks experience experiment.
(#4726) - Don't overwrite the top level VS Code Save and Undo command keybindings.
- Added a progress notification when restarting the kernel.
(#1197) - Fix error with selecting jupyter server URI when no workspace open.
(#4037) - Fix Z (and CTRL+Z when using custom editor support) to update data model so that save works.
(#4058) - Preload font awesome for ipywidgets.
(#4095) - When comparing to existing running kernel only consider the kernelspec when launched via kernelspec.
(#4109) - Fix notebook cells running out of order (for VS code insiders notebook editor).
(#4136) - Support installing ipykernel when necessary in native notebooks.
(#4153) __file__
variable is now set after changing kernel in the interactive window.
(#4164)- Fix support for IPyWidgets in Interactive Window.
(#4203) - Fix hover tips on notebooks (and the interactive window).
(#4218) - Fix problem with creating a blank notebook from the python extension start page.
(#4242) - Don't suppress whitespace at start of output for native notebooks.
(#4254) - Clear output of a cell if its executed while empty.
(#4286) - Wait for datascience code to activate when activating the extension.
(#4295) - Fix problem when run all cells an exception is thrown, cells can no longer be run.
(#4309) - Update trust icons.
(#4338) - Display trusted icon when a notebook is trusted.
(#4339) - Enable 'Run To Line', 'Run From Line' and 'Run Selection/Line in Interactive Window' on the editor context.
The 'shift+enter' keybinding still follows the "jupyter.sendSelectionToInteractiveWindow" setting.
(#4368) - If a kernel refuses to interrupt ask the user if they want to restart instead.
(#4369) - Refresh variable explorer when docking is changed.
(#4485) - Correctly handle kernel restarts in native variable viewer.
(#4492) - All notebook commands should be prefixed with 'Notebook'.
(#4494) - Don't retain context on variable view. Update view with current execution count when made visible.
(#4541) - Remove unnecessary files from the VSIX that just take up space.
(#4551) - Support set_next_input message payload.
(#4566) - Fix the Variable Explorer height so the horizontal scroll bar is shown.
(#4598) - Allow viewing class instance variables in the data viewer.
(#4606) - Update message that recommends the python extension to a warning and mention it gives an enhanced experience.
(#4615) - Correctly hide old interpreters registered as kernels from the selector.
(#4632) - Allow installing python extension in codespaces.
(#4664) - Add notebook codicon for Juypter viewContainer.
(#4538) - Allow options to show native variable view only when looking at native notebooks.
(#4761) - Fix CTRL+ENTER and ALT+ENTER to behave as expected for a jupyter notebook.
(#4713) - If .NET interactive is installed, make sure to use the new notebook editor.
(#4771) - Only clean up a notebook editor when it's closed, not when the panel is disposed.
(#4786) - Fixes problem with duplicate jupyter kernels being generated.
Code Health
- Deprecate src\client\datascience\kernel-launcher\helpers.ts.
(#1195) - Stop preloading requirejs in ipywidgets for native notebooks.
(#4015) - Add .vscode tests to test the new variable view.
(#4355) - Update CI to set xvfb correctly, and new test step that can do native notebooks + old webviews.
(#4412) - Run cells below test randomly failing on shutdown.
(#4445) - Fix julia test to pass.
(#4453) - Add UI side telemetry for variable view.
(#4649) - Prevent Winston logger from exiting the Extension Host when there are unhandled exceptions.
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful: