github microsoft/vscode-java-debug 0.29.0
Release 0.29.0

latest releases: 0.57.0, 0.56.1, 0.56.0...
3 years ago


  • Jump to source when clicking the stack trace printed to the terminal. PR#890.
  • Contribute Run and Debug menus to Project Explorer. #878.
  • Provide a user setting java.debug.settings.vmArgs to set the default VM arguments to launch your program. #220,#876.
  • Provide a user setting java.debug.settings.onBuildFailureProceed to force the debug session to proceed when build fails. #888.


  • Allow cancelling the outdated codelens job. PR#881.


  • Fix the wrong auto-completion result when typing the evaluation expression in DEBUG CONSOLE. #880.
  • Fix the error 'UNC path is missing sharename: \\java'. #882.
  • Use the correct runtime to validate the JVM versions between the debugger and debuggee. PR#353.

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