github microsoft/vscode-docker v1.19.0

latest releases: v1.29.4, v1.29.3, v1.29.2...
3 years ago


  • For volume mappings in docker-run tasks, the ro,z and rw,z permissions have been added, allowing support for SELinux systems. #3289


  • docker-run and docker-build tasks will now respect the docker.dockerPath setting. #3281
  • Several fixes and enhancements to the Compose language service have been made. #78, #70, #69, #68, #65
  • For .NET projects, the /p:UseAppHost=false argument is added to the dotnet publish command line, in order to prevent a duplicate executable file being created and bloating image size. #3371
  • The envFiles option in docker-compose tasks has been replaced with envFile, as only one is actually allowed. #3339

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