- Java and C# support for the local project tree item
- Copy local http trigger urls
- Execute local timer triggers
- Allow Python 3.8 when creating local project or deploying to Azure (only supported in v3 of the Azure Functions runtime)
- Allow deploying Java projects to Linux Function Apps in Azure (only supported in v3 of the Azure Functions runtime)
- Added setting "azureFunctions.showDeployConfirmation" to turn off "Are you sure you want to deploy..." dialog
- Logging is enabled by default when creating a Function App in Azure
- Bindings are no longer displayed in the tree. View properties on the function instead
- "Add Binding..." was moved from the local "Bindings" tree item to the function tree item
- Prompt for runtime before OS when creating a Function App in Azure. OS will not be prompted if the runtime doesn't support it
- Inline button to view deployment logs was removed. Left or right click the tree item instead
- Reduced time to create the first Function App in Azure on some new subscriptions
- Prompt to select existing resource group instead of "403" error when subscription doesn't have permissions to create
- "Init project for VS Code" will detect projects using "extensions.csproj" and configure to use "func extensions install" instead of bundle