github microsoft/terminal v1.23.10732.0
Windows Terminal Preview v1.23.10732.0

pre-release16 hours ago

This is a quick servicing release; expect more to follow!


  • You can now Tab and Shift+Tab between embedded hyperlinks in Mark Mode (#18347)

Bug Fixes

  • Hyperlink underlines and mouse reports will no longer be off by up to one entire cell (#18602)
  • Terminal should crash a lot less when you close tabs quickly (#18620)
  • We've resolved a source of deadlocks on console session handoff (#18676)
  • The About dialog should act less strange when you open it in multiple windows (#18636)
  • Closing the first tab will once again result in its resources being released (#18621)
  • We've fixed some graphical issues with the new icon and color pickers in Appearance settings (#18476)
  • Tearing off a tab will no longer result in its panes disappearing (lol) (#18627)
  • We will now properly save your session when you close the final window (#18623) (#18635)
    • ... we will also no longer try to save empty windows when you close them (#18622)
  • The Japanese names for Split Tab and Rename Tab have been improved (#18569) (thanks @consvc!)
  • Debugging Terminal (and conhost) will now produce a lot fewer spurious errors (#18628) (#18629)


  • ConPTY will now tear down properly if you close its pipes while it is starting up (#18588)
  • ConPTY will no longer hang on startup if you do not provide a well-formed response to DA1 (#18681)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.23.250314002-preview.

Asset Hashes

  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminalPreview_1.23.10732.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 2574DCB3A6D5E374910FE470F7FCE88C1DD9EF9DDDF836265C2A6A484D278348
    • SHA256 7F85E84C25DD7940CF4E5DF0F4A624C486648C916D9E98E2D1A74D9ADBA16EA2
    • SHA256 ED6FF625281E678C4C05660EB61C17738ECEA2C83BB3F73A413DE1B15DFCC67D
    • SHA256 4A81E8215A35A08F4D886FEFF3683A6B2FB6AD68D59F8A4FB33C7C4C2FB9B3C6

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