github microsoft/terminal v1.22.10731.0
Windows Terminal v1.22.10731.0

latest release: v1.23.10732.0
16 hours ago

This is a quick servicing release; expect more to follow!

Bug Fixes

  • We've resolved a source of deadlocks on console session handoff (#18676)
  • The Japanese names for Split Tab and Rename Tab have been improved (#18569) (thanks @consvc!)


  • ConPTY will now tear down properly if you close its pipes while it is starting up (#18588)
  • ConPTY will no longer hang on startup if you do not provide a well-formed response to DA1 (#18681)

Binary files inside the unpackaged distribution archive bear the version number 1.22.250314001.

Asset Hashes

    • SHA256 DB3AF1B1C29E430A89766937A8B6D0F5F9DCF5D7CB33059ED3E09AD7518C19B4
  • Microsoft.WindowsTerminal_1.22.10731.0_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle
    • SHA256 B2A5D96AFED0E2F187AB46C71F10006E462FA71D75E43D87DC87C7C6552E236B
    • SHA256 D5304ADDD137D84274ECC4731FBCCE4C7C7110EE02FC6626A0D739F31C9BBE98
    • SHA256 1D15F5ED4E81324226D24390FA3CD9F5D9C4BC6639F81992B2E38B99881F6A6B
    • SHA256 4FFD562483BCD7172C7BD56D3FD378A247032644A18E96B88D512D2B0A494328

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