github microsoft/react-native-windows react-native-windows_v0.73.1
React Native Windows 0.73.1

latest releases: react-native-windows_v0.0.0-canary.890, react-native-windows_v0.76.0-preview.6, react-native-windows_v0.0.0-canary.889...
11 months ago

We're excited to release React Native Windows 0.73.1 targeting React Native 0.73.0. There have been many changes to both react-native-windows and react-native itself, and we would love your feedback on anything that doesn't work as expected. This release includes the commits to React Native Windows from 6/23/2023 – 10/12/2023.

Note: 0.73.0 was accidentally released early to npm, 0.73.1 is our official release that matches React Native 0.73.0

How to upgrade

You can view the changes made to the default new React Native Windows applications for C++ and C# using React Native Upgrade Helper. See this document for more details.

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