github microsoft/pyright 1.1.37
Published 1.1.37

latest releases: 1.1.363, 1.1.362, 1.1.361...
4 years ago

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused incorrect type analysis for a property provided by a specialized form of a generic subclass.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in auto-import logic for the case where the completed symbol is a submodule within a top-level module.

Enhancement: Added support for ".so" and ".dylib" native module files.

Enhancement: Changed code that prints types (e.g. for hover text) to use "Any" instead of "Unknown" when typeCheckingMode is "off". Also avoided printing type arguments when they're all Any or Unknown when typeCheckingMode is "off".

Bug Fix: Changed code that infers the return type of a coroutine (async) function that never returns. Previously, it inferred the type as "NoReturn", but it now infers "Awaitable[NoReturn]".

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the handling of overloaded functions. PEP 484 indicates that type checkers should ignore the final non-decorated function when matching a call against a series of overloaded variants for a function.

Enhancement: Updated typeshed fallback stubs from the typeshed repo.

Enhancement: Use new PEP 604 notation for unions in hover text rather than older "Union" and "Optional" syntax defined in PEP 484.

Enhancement: Added support for new setting python.analysis.diagnosticMode. This replaces the now-deprecated setting pyright.openFilesOnly.

Enhancement: Added support for new setting python.analysis.stubPath. Changed the config setting "typingsPath" to "stubPath" for consistency. The config setting "typingsPath" is now deprecated and will eventually be removed.

New Feature: Added support for the Python 3.9 feature described in PEP 612: ParameterSpecification.

Enhancement: Allow comment-based type annotations to use forward references without using string literals.

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