github microsoft/pyright 1.1.353
Published 1.1.353

latest releases: 1.1.383, 1.1.382, 1.1.381...
7 months ago

Breaking Changes:

  • The CLI and language server versions of pyright now require a minimum node version of 14. Previously node 12 and 13 were supported.


  • Enabled PEP 705 and PEP 696 functionality without the use of enableExperimentalFeatures now that these PEPs are officially accepted.
  • Improved support for instance variables whose type is declared in a metaclass. Pyright now honors this type and enforces type consistency in derived classes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when a dundered method overrides a base class method of the same name and uses different parameter names along with different types.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to a false positive error when a match statement is used in a loop and the subject expression is potentially narrowed as a result of the match statement.
  • Added check for inappropriate use of Annotated passed as second argument to NewType call.
  • Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when expanding the type arguments to a TypeVarTuple under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that results in incorrect type evaluation when an index expression is assigned a value within a doubly-nested loop under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a regression that caused the signature help provider to not display the __new__ method of a constructor if it is overloaded.
  • Fixed hard-coded type information for module attribute __package__. It should be str | None rather than str.
  • Fixed a bug in the isinstance type guard logic. It was not properly handling tuples that included unions.
  • Fixed bug in signature help provider so str method docstrings are showed when called on LiteralString.
  • Fixed a bug that results in incorrect type narrowing behavior for member access expressions under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed bug that resulted in a false negative when a possibly-unbound variable is captured by an inner scope under certain circumstances.

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