github microsoft/pyright 1.1.352
Published 1.1.352

latest releases: 1.1.383, 1.1.382, 1.1.381...
7 months ago


  • Implemented provisional support for PEP 728 (support for extra items within TypedDicts). You must set enableExperimentalFeatures to true for now.
  • Added support for concatenated strings used in a @deprecated decorator.
  • Added support for call-site return type inference for class and instance methods.
  • Improved handling of enum.nonmember in cases where the attribute has a declared type.
  • Added missing check for inappropriate use of InitVar outside of a dataclass.

Behavior Changes:

  • Added special-case handling for 'typing_extensions' module whose stubs are part of typeshed's stdlib stubs even though it is not part of stdlib.
  • Refined the heuristic for when to use bidirectional type inference for the RHS of and and or operators.
  • Changed behavior of command-line "--pythonversion" and "--pythonplatform" options so they now override the same-named options in the config file.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that resulted in a false negative when attempting to use TypedDict or Protocol as an upper bound when using PEP 695 syntax.
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in "reportUnnecessaryTypeIgnoreComment" diagnostics to be generated even if the source file was in the "ignore" list.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to incorrect type inference for a lambda when passed to a constructor in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug that leads to a false positive type violation when reassigning a value within a loop and the target variable has a declared type of a constrained type variable.
  • Fixed a bug that results in a false negative when passing an unpacked dict of the wrong type to a function that contains a positional-only parameter marker plus one or more keyword parameters.
  • Fixed a bug in the import resolver that resulted in an incorrect resolution when an import within a file uses the form from .a import a.
  • Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when an await expression is passed as an argument to an overloaded function.
  • Fixed a bug that results in an incorrect "Unbound" type evaluation for a variable assigned within a loop.

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