github microsoft/pyright 1.1.332
Published 1.1.332

latest releases: 1.1.383, 1.1.382, 1.1.381...
11 months ago

Bug Fix: Fixed crash that occurs when encountering a malformed system version check of the form sys.version_info[0] < 3.8.

Enhancement: Improved error message for yield statements when the yield type is a TypedDict or other type that requires bidirectional type inference.

Bug Fix: Fixed regression in type(x) is y type narrowing logic when y is of type type[Self].

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in protocol matching logic that resulted in a false positive error when a class implementation used a callback protocol rather than a def statement to define an instance variable defined in a protocol.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in an unresolved Unknown type within a tuple constructed within a loop.

Bug Fix: Fixed several bugs in protocol matching that led to false positives when matching a protocol against a module.

Behavior Change: Changed type evaluation behavior for accesses to attributes on a class that derives from Any. Previously, these were evaluated as Unknown, but they are now evaluated as Any.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the reportIncompatibleMethodOverride check that leads to a false negative if the base class uses a Self type and the override uses an incompatible specialized type.

Enhancement: Added logic to detect illegal use of the symbol Any.

Enhancement: Added logic to perform basic reformatting (especially dedenting) of deprecation messages used with @deprecated.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the isinstance type guard logic when the specified filter class (the second argument) is a metaclass (a subclass of type).

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the issubclass type narrowing logic when the first argument is a metaclass (a subclass of type).

Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to the latest version.

Behavior Change: Changed override-related checks (reportIncompatibleMethodOverride, reportIncompatibleVariableOverride and reportImplicitOverride) so they apply to stub files. Previously, these were skipped for stubs.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused types captured by ParamSpecs to sometimes be printed with Unknown parameter types.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in ParamSpec type matching that resulted in an incorrect type evaluation under certain circumstances.

Bug Fix: Fixed a regression in overload matching that resulted in false positive errors in hydra-zen. This change involves removing a heuristic from overload matching that attempted to eliminate a false positive error for x: list[str] = "a,b".split(",").

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that results in confusing error messages when converting a constructor (an __init__ method) to a function type. The resulting function should not be named __init__ but should be anonymous.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false positive error when a type alias created using PEP 695 syntax is used as a type argument for a generic type when used in the LHS of a call expression.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the isinstance type narrowing logic when using a generic class whose type parameters include defaults (PEP 696).

Bug Fix: Fixed a false positive error "TypeVar bound cannot be generic" if the bound type is a generic class whose type parameters have default types (using PEP 696).

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in "type printer", the code that converts a type to text for error messages. It wasn't properly handling type(t) where t is defined using a type alias.

Enhancement: Improved the error message for metaclass conflicts so the conflicting metaclasses are specified.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the type narrowing logic for sequence patterns, specifically when the subject is Any or Unknown and the sequence pattern is empty ([]).

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with path normalization (in particular, drive letter) for symbolic links that resulted in false positive errors.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false positive error when attempting to instantiate a value of type type[Self] when Self refers to an abstract class.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false positive error when passing type(None) or NoneType as the second argument to issubclass.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the issubclass type narrowing logic for type(None) and NoneType filters.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a stack overflow crash under certain circumstances when evaluating a function call with a ParamSpec.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that prevented ReadOnly experimental feature from being used in a file where a # pyright: enableExperimentalFeatures=True comment was used.

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