github microsoft/pyright 1.1.31
Published 1.1.31

latest releases: 1.1.384, 1.1.383, 1.1.382...
4 years ago

Enhancement: Add contextual signature help that handles overloads and arbitrary ordering of named parameters.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in code that determines whether an instantiated class is abstract. It was not properly taking into account MRO (method resolution ordering) for the class.

Bug Fix: Another attempt to work around the file watcher issues on Mac OS X.

Enhancement: Added special-case handling for type var matching of Optional[T].

Enhancement: Added new pyright.typeCheckingMode setting for VS Code extension that allows you to set the default rule set for type checking. Three values are supported: "off", "basic", and "strict". This setting can be overridden in the pyrightconfig.json file with the typeCheckingMode config key.

Enhancement: Changed text representation of functions to omit "Unused" parameter type annotations. This makes hover text and completion suggestion text more readable in code bases that are lacking type annotations.

Enhancement: Added "reportGeneralTypeIssues" setting, which is set to "error" by default. Users can optionally change it to "warning" or "none".

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