github microsoft/pyright 1.1.294
Published 1.1.294

latest releases: 1.1.383, 1.1.382, 1.1.381...
19 months ago

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that led to a false positive error when using a type alias within an __init__ or __hash__ method in a dataclass.

Bug Fix: Fixed a false negative where a variable used within a TypeAlias definition was not flagged as an error.

Bug Fix: Fixed false negative error where an attempt to assign a value of type type[T] to type T was not flagged as an error.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that results in a false positive error when using Self in a type annotation for a parameter with a default value.

Behavior Change: Removed typeshed tensorflow stubs because they're too incomplete at this time.

Enhancement (from pylance): Added completions and signature help for unpacked kwargs (PEP 692).

Behavior Change: Change dataClassFieldWithDefault from error to reportGeneralTypeIssue diagnostic so it can be disabled.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in a false positive error when calling type(None)().

Enhancement: Improved error handling for constructor call to NoneType.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug that led to incorrect type evaluation when a yield statement was used in conjunction with a declared Iterator return type.

Enhancement: Added error reporting for malformed # pyright comments.

Bug Fix (from pylance): Fixed recent regression in hover text for variable whose type is Unknown.

Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that resulted in a false positive when accessing an instance method from a metaclass (i.e. a class that derives from type) if the self parameter of that instance method is annotated with a type[T] annotation.

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