Bug Fix: Fixed incorrect type evaluation for symbols that are modified within a context manager block that is nested within a try/except statement.
Enhancement: Updated to the latest typeshed stubs. Note that type stubs for several third-party packages were recently removed from typeshed: click, flask, jinja2, markupsafe, werkzeug.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in "unknown" type evaluation for variables assigned in a loop using a tuple assignment pattern.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in TypeVar solver where Self type was being incorrectly replaced with its concrete form in some cases.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that resulted in TypeVar not being solved in some circumstances involving recursive types.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the handling of generic classes whose implementation includes another instantiation of itself using the original type parameters as type arguments for the nested instantiation.
Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the handling of generic classes whose implementation includes another instantiation of itself using the original type parameters as type arguments for the nested instantiation.
Enhancement: Enhanced reportIncompatibleMethodOverride diagnostic check to also detect incompatible methods defined by two classes that are used as base classes in a multiple-inheritance derived class.