github microsoft/pyright 1.1.156
Published 1.1.156

latest releases: 1.1.383, 1.1.382, 1.1.381...
3 years ago

Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error related to member access of optional type.

Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error related to an escape sequence (backslash) used in an f-string format specifier.

Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error with f-string format specifier that contains an expression within braces and also a colon specifier.

Enhancement: Updated typeshed stubs to latest version.

Bug Fix: Fixed false positive error when evaluating a subscript (index) operation with an index value that is a union type and an overloaded __getitem__ method that requires union expansion.

Enhancement: Added new check for a function overload that contains an implementation.

Enhancement: Added special-case handling for addition of two tuples that have known lengths.

Bug Fix: Fixed bug in check that detects improper variance for type variables used within generic protocols. Class or instance variables within a generic protocol must use invariant type variables.

Enhancement: Improved heuristics for type matching when source and dest types are unions and invariance is being enforced — specifically in the case where the destination union type includes generic types.

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