Behavior Change: Changed behavior of function overload evaluation to more closely match the behavior of other type checkers. Notably, if one or more argument have union types, they are expanded, and each combination of argument union subtypes can use different overloads.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug that caused false positive error when assigning a function with no position-only marker to a function with a position-only marker.
Enhancement: Added support for call arguments whose types are constrained type variables and must be constrained to a particular subtype during call evaluation because the LHS of the call imposes such constraints.
Enhancement: Added support for special cases of class pattern matching as described in PEP 634.
Enhancement: Added support for auto generation of __match_args__
class variable for dataclass and named tuples.
Enhancement: Added support for type narrowing of the subject expression within a "match" statement based on the matched pattern.
Bug Fix: Fixed bug in type analyzer that resulted in a false positive error when a return type annotation included a generic class but omitted the type arguments.