github microsoft/pyright 1.0.81
Published 1.0.81

latest releases: 1.1.365, 1.1.364, 1.1.363...
4 years ago

Enhancement: Command-line version now exits with a new exit code (3) if the pyrightconfig.json is malformed or cannot be read. Previously, it proceeded to perform the analysis with default settings.

Enhancement: Added support for interleaved for and if clauses within a list comprehension statement. Previously, the analyzer assumed that there would be only one if clause and it would be after all for clauses.

Enhancement: the built-in function issubclass is now supported by the analyzer in the same way as isinstance. It can be used as a type constraint in conditional code flow statements (if, while, etc.), and the reportUnnecessaryIsInstance setting applies to it.

Enhancement: Added support for the @abc.abstractproperty function decorator.

Bug Fix: Fixed a reported bug relating to the handling of the @overload function decorator. This was due to a recent regression.

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