github microsoft/playwright-python v1.8.0a1

latest releases: v1.45.0, v1.44.0, v1.43.0...
3 years ago


  • Playwright goes semver. We are jumping from 0.170.* to 1.8.0a1 to become semver compliant. This is a breaking change, but once we drop the Alpha bit, it'll be in stone for years!
  • Documentation site is now all about Python! It has guides, sample snippets, API docs
  • You can now select elements based on layout with :left-of(), :right-of(), :above() and :below()
  • New methods to assert element state like page.is_editable('selector') were added.

Migration from the pre-release versions

The API has changed since the last 0.170.0 version:

  • Snake case notation for methods and arguments:

    # old
    # new
  • Import has changed to include sync vs async mode explicitly:

    # old
    from playwright import sync_playwright
    # new
    from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 90.0.4392.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 85.0b5
  • WebKit 14.1

New APIs

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