github microsoft/playwright-dotnet v1.13.0

latest releases: v1.44.0, v1.43.0, v1.42.0...
2 years ago


  • 🖖 Programmatic drag-and-drop support via the Page.DragAndDropAsync() API.
  • 🔎 Enhanced HAR with body sizes for requests and responses. Use via RecordHarPath option in Browser.NewContextAsync().
  • 🔒 Assembly Signing for .NET assemblies is no longer done using PublicSign but using a full signing key, making it easier to use in projects requiring full-trust


  • Playwright Trace Viewer now shows parameters, returned values and console.log() calls.

New and Overhauled Guides

Browser Versions

  • Chromium 93.0.4576.0
  • Mozilla Firefox 90.0
  • WebKit 14.2

New Playwright APIs

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