github microsoft/msticpy v2.1.3
Process Tree Viewer updates

latest releases: v2.12.0, v2.11.0, v2.10.0...
21 months ago


This is a minor release with some fixes and additions that enable broader functionality.
The biggest-impacting changes apply to the
Process Tree visualization.
These changes allow it to work with broader types of Windows or Linux process data:

  • Removed the following columns that were previously required: host_name, logon_id, user_name, cmd_line.
  • Added auto-coloring by level if no legend is supplied.
  • Fixed process sorting so that tree and peer groups in the tree are sorted by level, then timestamp.
  • Added ability to supply schema as dictionary to the process tree APIs.

The changes are described in more detail below.

We've also added support for a new MS Sentinel API to retrieve queries stored in a Sentinel workspace
and fixed some issues in IP WhoIs lookups.

Process Tree changes

Reduced required column set

This allows you to use the process tree visualization and utilities with a minimal set of data fields:

  • process_id
  • parent_id
  • process_name
  • time_stamp
    cust_schema = {
        "process_name": "ImageFileName",
        "process_id": "PID",
        "parent_id": "PPID",
        "time_stamp": "CreateTime",

Auto-coloring of tree plot

If you do not supply a legend_col parameter, the process objects will be
automatically colored by level in the hierarchy. This makes a basic tree more colorful and easier to navigate.

Processes are correctly sorted by process time

Previously, the code that builds the process tree left individual processes in an unintuitive order.
For a given level (e.g. parents) all of the processes will be displayed in time created order.

For example:

A \
   - A.1
   - A.2
B \
   - B.1
   - B.2

A will always have a timestamp less than or equal to B. All children of A (A.1, A.2...) and B will be shown in
time created order. However, across different levels and peer groups, there is no guarantee of time-ordering. In the above example, even though timestamp A is less than timestamp B, B.1 and B.2 could have timestamps earlier than either A.1 or A.2.

path ImageFileName CreateTime
registry|88|2021-04-01 05:04:54.000000 116/0 Registry 2021-04-01 05:04:54+00:00
system|4|2021-04-01 05:04:58.000000 117/1 System 2021-04-01 05:04:58+00:00
smss.exe|404|2021-04-01 05:04:58.000000 117/1/2 smss.exe 2021-04-01 05:04:58+00:00
csrss.exe|640|2021-04-01 05:05:00.000000 118/3 csrss.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:00+00:00
winlogon.exe|700|2021-04-01 05:05:00.000000 118/4 winlogon.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:00+00:00
dwm.exe|1028|2021-04-01 05:05:02.000000 118/4/17 dwm.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:02+00:00
logonui.exe|512|2021-04-01 05:05:02.000000 118/4/21 LogonUI.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:02+00:00
fontdrvhost.ex|960|2021-04-01 05:05:01.000000 118/4/7 fontdrvhost.ex 2021-04-01 05:05:01+00:00
wininit.exe|632|2021-04-01 05:05:00.000000 119/5 wininit.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:00+00:00
lsass.exe|776|2021-04-01 05:05:01.000000 119/5/10 lsass.exe 2021-04-01 05:05:01+00:00

mp_plot.process_tree and mp.build_process_tree support schema as dictionary

Previously these accessors and the underlying functions plot_process_tree and
build_process_tree would only accept msticpy.transform.process_tree_schema.ProcSchema
instances. These will now accept dictionaries with at least the minimum required
attributes as keys.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3

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