github microsoft/msticpy v2.0.0.rc3
MSTICPy 2.0 - Pre-release 3

latest releases: v2.15.0, v2.14.0, v2.13.1...
pre-release2 years ago

New Features

A notebook containing some of the features of MSTICPy 2.0
is available at What's new in MSTICPy 2.0

Dropping Python 3.6 Support

As of this release we only officially support Python 3.8 and above.
We will try to support Python 3.6 if the fixes required are small
and contained but make no guarantees of it working completely on
Python prior to 3.8

DataFrame to Graph/Network

You can convert a pandas DataFrame into a NetworkX graph or
plot directly as a graph using Bokeh interactive plotting.

You pass the functions the column names for the source and target nodes to build a basic graph. You can also name other columns to be node or edge attributes. When displayed these attributes are visible as popup details courtesy of Bokeh’s Hover tool.

        source_attrs=["SubjectDomainName", "SubjectLogonId"],
        target_attrs=["NewProcessName", "ParentProcessName", "CommandLine"],

Graph plot

Pivots without initialization/dynamic data query import

The pivot functionality has been overhauled - it is now initialized
automatically in init_notebook.

Previously queries from
data providers were added at initialization - meaning that you had
to create your query providers before starting pivot or re-initialize
pivot. Data providers now dynamically add relevant queries as pivot
functions when you authenticate. Also for some providers, such
as Azure Sentinel, that support multiple instances, pivot now
supports separate instance naming so that each Workspace has a
separate instance of a given pivot query.

The naming of the Threat Intelligence pivot functions has been
simplified considerably.

VirusTotal and RiskIQ relationships should now be available as
pivot functions (you need the VT 3 and PassiveTotal packages installed
respectively to enable this functionality).

Simplify imports in msticpy

The root module in msticpy now has several modules and
classes that can be directly accessed from it (rather than
having to import them)

    import msticpy as mp
    qry_prov = mp.QueryProvider("MDE")
    ti = mp.TILookup()

Also a number of commonly-used classes are imported by default
by init_notebook, notable all of the entity classes.
This makes it easier to use pivot functions without any initialization
or import steps.

  • entities
    import msticpy as mp


Consolidation of Pandas accessors

Pandas accessors are extensions to DataFrames allowing you to
call custom functionality as a DataFrame method.

Almost all of the core MSTICPy functions previously available in
various accessors (plus a few new ones) are accessible in:

  • - analysis and transform functions
  • df.mp_plot - visualization functions


MS Defender Queries available to MS Sentinel Query Provider

Since Sentinel now has the ability to import Microsoft data, we've
made the Defender queries usable from the MS Sentinel provider.

Many of these queries are now available as Pivot functions.

ContiLeaks notebook added to MSTICPy Repo

We are privileged to host Thomas's awesome ContiLeaks notebook.
Thanks @fr0gger

New Queries added

Several new Sentinel and MS Defender queries have been added.

See the new built-in query list

Documentation Additions and Updates

The documentation for V2.0 is now live and available at
(Previous versions are still online and can be accessed through
the ReadTheDocs interface).

The API documentation has been split into separate modules to
make it easier to navigate. The API docs also now support "InterSphinx".
This means that MSTICPy references to objects in other packages (e.g. Python
standard library, pandas, Bokeh) have active links that will take you
to the native documentation for that item.

Also, the sample notebooks for most of these features have been updated
along the same lines. See MSTICPy Sample notebooks

Miscellaneous Improvements

  • The MS Sentinel provider now support a timeout parameter allowing you
    lengthen and shorten the default.
  • MSTICPy network requests use a custom User Agent header so that you
    can identify or track requests from MSTICPy/Notebooks.

Plus a lot more that I can't recall at the moment.

What's Changed - The gory detail of the PRs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.8.2...v2.0.0.rc3

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