Hotfix release
- 08b048d@If AzureCLI section is not in msticpconfig.yaml, no longer throws exception
- Updated AzureSentinel API notebook so that it has data (obfuscated).
- 3384c87@Updated .pre-commit-config.yaml to exclude tests from pylint and flake8 checks
7b276a3@Adding azure-mgmt-core>=1.2.1 to requirements.txt - Added exceptions to to skip vt and vt_graph_api (now extras)
- d3ad345@ Fixing to mordor_driver for Mitre web site change and making web scraping from Mitre more resilient
- Adding two scripts for testing pre-release msticpy.
- Some additions to VTLookupV3.ipynb text and trapping for import of nest_asyncio without installing
- ReadTheDocs now retrieves version number from main package build
- d8cc378@Updated ReadtheDocs requirements.txt
- db6e6f9@Changes to requirements,txt to remove unneeded dependencies (#114)*
- Added exclusions to and to skip install of some dependencies for ReadTheDocs (e.g. Kqlmagic).
These packages will be mocked in their build - previously they caused dependency conflict errors in pip install - Bug in - raise from should have been an exception object, not a class
- Bug in - potential uninitialized variable
- Updated to remove files on completion, Also marked file download tests as CI-only
- Added pylint and flake8 as pre-commit hooks - should stop fewer errors getting into build
- Some tidying of code (Sourcery) in azure_auth_core and secret_settings.
- Updated version to 0.8.7
- Fixing some typos and linting warnings in the documentation. Clarifying language.
- 3c87222@Updated vt-py version in requirements.txt (#113)