github microsoft/fluentui @fluentui/react_v8.109.4
@fluentui/react v8.109.4

latest releases: @fluentui/react-timepicker-compat_v0.2.38, @fluentui/react-tag-picker_v9.3.8, @fluentui/react-migration-v8-v9_v9.6.37...
18 months ago


  • DetailsList has been modified to warn when "getKey" and "selection" props are passed simultaneously. The "getKey" property is never used if a Selection object is passed. Either the "getKey" prop from the Selection object is used, or Selection's default getKey implementation (item) => item.key is used, but never the "getKey" prop passed to DetailsList. Making "getKey" and "selection" mutually exclusive DetailsList properties prevents users from making this mistake. (PR #24048 by okonech)

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