github microsoft/fluentui @fluentui/react-components_v9.60.1
@fluentui/react-components v9.60.1

latest releases: @fluentui/web-components_v3.0.0-beta.86, @fluentui/chart-web-components_v0.0.10, @fluentui/theme-samples_v8.7.201...
2 days ago

Minor changes

  • fix: implemented custom style hook for Card, CardFooter, CardHeader, CardPreview (PR #33912 by terynk)
  • fix(react-nav): Export missing context providers and hooks (PR #33938 by emmayjiang)
  • feat: Adds custom style hooks to TeachingPopoverCarousel and related subcomponents. (PR #33943 by mltejera)
  • fix: Implemented customStyleHooks for SearchBox Component (PR #33954 by terynk)
  • feat: Adds custom style hooks to TeachingPopoverCarousel and related subcomponents. (PR #33943 by mltejera)
  • fix: use contrasting token pairs for selected radio and toggle states (PR #33579 by smhigley)


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